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Caravan to Midnight - The John B. Wells Program
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May 28th, 2014 - V & W | June 23rd, 2014 - Dave Hodges | June 25th, 2014 - Plumlee | June 26th, 2014 - Willie & Roberts |
September 30th, 2014 - Jim Willie | May 10, 2016 - Willie-Faura-Part-1 | May 10, 2016 - Willie-Faura-Part-2 | May 10, 2016 - Willie-Faura-Part-3 |
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Call to Rights with Steve Kates |
Call to Rights April 12, 2014 Steve Kates and a special guest, Louise, from Apache Junction Louise is on during the last half hour (Right-Click - Save Target As..) |
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Coast to Coast AM March 2, 2013 - John B. Wells Preparedness & Human Trafficking Brad Barker - The Halo Corporation Richard C. Hoagland - The Enterprise Mission (Right-Click - Save Target As..) |
Coast to Coast AM April 23, 2013 - George Noory UFO Disclosure/ Remote Viewing Tuesday April 23, 2013 In the first half, authors Steven Greer and Paola Harris discussed the Atacama humanoid as well as UFO disclosure. In the latter half, remote viewing teacher, Ed Dames, talked about his predictions that North Korea would use a nuclear weapon... Hours 1 & 2 - Steven Greer & Paola Harris Hours 3 & 4 - Major Ed Dames (Right-Click - Save Target As..) |
Coast to Coast AM October 26, 2013 - John B. Wells Humanity's Anunnaki Legacy Guest: Gerald Clark One of the best programs covering the work of Zecharia Sitchin. (Right-Click - Save Target As..) |
Banker Deaths/ Ukraine Update Thursday February 20, 2014 In the first half, former commodities trader and "guerrilla economist," V, talked about the recent mysterious deaths of bankers, including three who worked at JPMorgan. In the latter half, remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames, who... Host: George Noory Guest: Guerrilla Economist, V and Major Ed Dames (Right-Click - Save Target As..) |
Election Fraud & Financial Corruption Saturday March 15, 2014 Host: Richard Syrett Guests: Greg Palast, Douglas Hagmann Guest host Richard Syrett welcomed New York Times bestselling author Greg Palast for a discussion on his investigation into election fraud and corruption in the financial world. First hour guest, investigative author Douglas Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network, commented on the recent spate of mysterious banker deaths. gregpalast.com homelandsecurityus.com (Right-Click - Save Target As..) |
Prophecy & WWIII/ Prayer & Finances Saturday March 26, 2014 Host: George Noory Guests: John Hogue, James Paris The two will not remain allied for long, Within thirteen years they surrender to barbare and Iranian leaders. There will be such a loss on both sides, That one will bless Petrus Romanus (the end of millennium Pope.) Nostradamus wrote of a "third universal conflagration," where there'll be "entirely new weapons-- in one day, more men will die, than all previous wars combined." Other prophets like Bartholomeus from the 17th century, and Stormberger, from the 18th, were known for their accurate predictions of the first and second world wars, and both foresee a third world war, along with the visionary St. Odile, who made predictions of a war that would be waged where people would hurl stars out of the sky down on cities, Hogue detailed. In the latter half, author James Paris discussed how to incorporate prayer to improve your economic situation, or receive a financial miracle. He recounted how he went from being a millionaire to going broke, after he was the victim of an embezzlement scheme perpetrated by his brother, who was his accountant. Paris' dire situation reversed itself when he turned to prayer, asking God for guidance. Among the steps for successful prayer, he suggested coming into the practice with an attitude of gratefulness for what you already have, as well as allocating enough time for the prayer session. "Many times we see prayer as an action-- that we should be doing or saying something. But I believe the most effective prayer is sitting quietly and listening, and waiting for God to speak to you," he shared. Also, don't question the things that come into the mind during prayer-- just write them down, as you can always pray over them again and refine them later, he advised. Paris described a variety of financial miracles that occurred to him and his family after his bankruptcy, including a relative coming forward and paying their rent for a year, and getting a free car to use, after their car was repossessed. hogueprophecy.com christianmoney.com (Right-Click - Save Target As..) |
Fukushima Radiation & UFO Anomalies Date: 03-27-14 Host: George Noory Guests: Linda Moulton Howe, Seth Shostak Earthfiles investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe presented a two-part report about possible Fukushima radiation poisoning in Japanese children and sailors in the U.S. Navy, and also detailed sightings of triangular craft and fiery discs in multiple U.S. locations. Fukushima's TEPCO announced that radiation levels in wastewater from the three nuclear power reactors that melted down after the March 11, 2011, earthquake and tsunami catastrophe have been "significantly undercounted," and now medical authorities are reporting a spike in the number of thyroid cancers being detected in Japanese children. Further, a California legal firm has now taken on a class action suit on behalf of American sailors, who were on the USS Reagan and came within two miles of Japan's eastern shore soon after the nuclear incident. She spoke with Charles Bonner, the lead attorney in the class action case, who noted that many sailors from the USS Reagan have developed a wide range of serious, debilitating symptoms which the lawsuit claims are from radiation poisoning in March 2011. Regarding illnesses of Japanese citizens, "the thyroid cancers in Japan now are 40 times higher than normal...That is just common sense logic that this spike is caused by exposure to radiation from the Fukushima nuclear power plant meltdowns," Bonner remarked. TEPCO continues to release radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean from its reactors, he added. For more, see Linda's full report, Part 1,Part 2. Wyoming resident John Bobick told Linda about hearing a loud trumpet sound coming from a black triangular craft high in the sky above the Bighorn Mountains in 2010, while Richard Gray described his encounter with a translucent triangular craft in Reston, Virginia in 1994 (see related illustration). Linda also spoke with Pam Conley, about a 1976 incident in which she saw three large orange discs at the treetops near her home in North Carolina in the middle of the night. The next morning she checked out the forested area and found snapped trees and a brownish circle imprinted on the ground. Bizarrely, above the circle, she saw a dead cow laying on top of a tall pine tree, some 30 or 40 feet off the ground. Further details here and here. First hour guest, SETI astronomer Seth Shostak shared updates on the search for extraterrestrial life. Based on new exoplanet discoveries derived from Kepler space telescope data, it's possible that as many as one in five stars have planets in the habitable zone, giving SETI a large swath of possibilities to focus on. A new optical telescope called The Colossus will have a gigantic mirror, with the goal of detecting extrasolar life, he reported. In our double C2C Insta-poll (see below), we asked people to weigh in with their views on life in the universe. earthfiles.com seti.org (Right-Click - Save Target As..) |
Off the Grid/ Dreaming & NDEs Date: 03-24-14 Host: George Noory Guests: Jesse Ventura, Robert Moss In the first half, former wrestler, actor, governor, and bestselling author, Jesse Ventura, talked about current events, and living "off the grid." His new free online TV show, Off the Grid, airs four days a week, and is filmed in an undisclosed location in Mexico, where he currently resides in a solar-powered home. With this set up, he feels he can communicate without strictures or censorship that he might face under a mainstream media outlet. As Americans, we have a responsibility to be vigilant citizens, and "that means holding government's feet to the fire, it means using the First Amendment and protesting when you don't like something," he said. "The thing that has me most disturbed," he continued, "is that ever since 9-11, our government is running under the position that the Constitution and Bill of Rights have been suspended, and that is not true, because we are not under martial law." Ventura shared what actions he would undertake if he was the President, and these included legalizing marijuana, replacing income tax with a sales tax, and giving pardons to Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden (whom he considers a hero for exposing government lying). He also spoke about his interview with Fidel Castro, and his research into the JFK assassination. In the latter half, pioneer of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism, Robert Moss shared how he survived three near-death experiences in childhood. In one of the instances, he lost all vital signs in a Melbourne hospital, at age 9, and had the amazing experience of living an entire life in another world, before being revived in the hospital. His parents and doctors weren't able to understand the experience, but an aboriginal boy from Australia explained to him that in their culture, sometimes when people get sick, they go off to be with the spirits until they get well. Later, as an adult, Moss had mind-to-mind encounters with an 18th century Native American shaman, who altered the course of his life, and led him on his path of becoming a dream teacher. "I teach people how any night, you can embark on a lucid dream adventure, by hanging out in the twilight zone between sleep and waking...and using some simple shamanic devices like choosing an image as a portal or gateway," as well as drumming sounds, Moss detailed. "Our dreams may be experiences of a separate reality," a parallel or altogether different universe-- "and the dream may be as much of a real experience as anything that is going on in regular life, and given how we are often like sleepwalkers in regular life, the dream experience might be even more real," he marveled. (Right-Click - Save Target As..) |
Wanta Revelations Date: 05-03-14 Host: Richard Syrett Guests: Marilyn Barnewall, Leo Emil Wanta, Steve Omohundro Guest host Richard Syrett welcomed biographer Marilyn Barnewall, who detailed how Reagan-era intelligence agent Leo Emil Wanta attempted to cause the financial collapse of the Soviet Union. Wanta, himself, joined the conversation during the latter half of the program to discuss his battles with the US government over the fortune he amassed. Barnewell noted that Wanta's involvement with the intelligence community began when he was in his teenage years and, while working for the John Birch Society, he would surreptitiously deliver the organization's trash to FBI agents interested in tracking their activity. His role in the intelligence community culminated when Ronald Reagan became president and Wanta was enlisted to be a part of a secret task force aimed at disrupting the Soviet economy. According to Barnewell, the task force determined that, using $150 billion dollars, they could successfully pull off this mission and Wanta was put in charge of the plot. From there, she said, Wanta journeyed to Vienna and created a company which traded various currencies, in exchange for rubles, with allies of the Soviet Union as well as forces within that nation. Barnewell explained that the ruble had become overvalued by the Soviet Union and, thus, people were eager to trade it for a more stable currency. This allowed Wanta to accumulate a vast amount of rubles for a fraction of what the Soviet Union had valued them. In turn, Wanta would sell the rubles, at a profit, to nations that were indebted to the Soviet Union, allowing them to repay their debt at a far cheaper rate, which decimated the Soviet economy. Ultimately, Barnewell claimed that Wanta's wealth, as a result of his financial machinations, totaled a stunning $27.5 trillion dollars. After paying the United States back its $150 billion that originally funded the enterprise, he retained possession of the massive fortune. Wanta, who joined the conversation in the latter half of the program, contended that his agreement with Reagan, regarding this profit from the enterprise, was that the money should be used to benefit the American people. However, he declared that Congress could not be trusted with the funds and that the Federal Reserve is an illegal enterprise and, thus, had no right to the money. As such, Wanta said that, until assurances can be made that the money will be truly spent on the American people, he will never turn over the funds to the United States government, despite attempts made over the years to coerce him into doing so. AI Dangers In the first hour, scientist, professor, and entrepreneur Steve Omohundro warned that autonomous robots of the future are likely to behave in anti-social and harmful ways unless they are very carefully designed (related paper). He observed that there are two dueling forces driving the further development of AI technology: business and military interests. To that end, he expressed concern that the competitive nature of this race to develop artificial intelligence will result in technologies being created without considering the potential dangers they could pose to humanity. Since autonomous technology could develop a drive for self-preservation, Omohundro stressed the need to impose human values on AI systems in order to prevent them from harming people as a means of ensuring their own survival. Website(s): wantarevelations.com steveomohundro.com (Right-Click - Save Target As..) |
Wanta Revelations Date: 05-03-14 Host: Richard Syrett Guests: Marilyn Barnewall, Leo Emil Wanta, Steve Omohundro Guest host Richard Syrett welcomed biographer Marilyn Barnewall, who detailed how Reagan-era intelligence agent Leo Emil Wanta attempted to cause the financial collapse of the Soviet Union. Wanta, himself, joined the conversation during the latter half of the program to discuss his battles with the US government over the fortune he amassed. Barnewell noted that Wanta's involvement with the intelligence community began when he was in his teenage years and, while working for the John Birch Society, he would surreptitiously deliver the organization's trash to FBI agents interested in tracking their activity. His role in the intelligence community culminated when Ronald Reagan became president and Wanta was enlisted to be a part of a secret task force aimed at disrupting the Soviet economy. According to Barnewell, the task force determined that, using $150 billion dollars, they could successfully pull off this mission and Wanta was put in charge of the plot. From there, she said, Wanta journeyed to Vienna and created a company which traded various currencies, in exchange for rubles, with allies of the Soviet Union as well as forces within that nation. Barnewell explained that the ruble had become overvalued by the Soviet Union and, thus, people were eager to trade it for a more stable currency. This allowed Wanta to accumulate a vast amount of rubles for a fraction of what the Soviet Union had valued them. In turn, Wanta would sell the rubles, at a profit, to nations that were indebted to the Soviet Union, allowing them to repay their debt at a far cheaper rate, which decimated the Soviet economy. Ultimately, Barnewell claimed that Wanta's wealth, as a result of his financial machinations, totaled a stunning $27.5 trillion dollars. After paying the United States back its $150 billion that originally funded the enterprise, he retained possession of the massive fortune. Wanta, who joined the conversation in the latter half of the program, contended that his agreement with Reagan, regarding this profit from the enterprise, was that the money should be used to benefit the American people. However, he declared that Congress could not be trusted with the funds and that the Federal Reserve is an illegal enterprise and, thus, had no right to the money. As such, Wanta said that, until assurances can be made that the money will be truly spent on the American people, he will never turn over the funds to the United States government, despite attempts made over the years to coerce him into doing so. AI Dangers In the first hour, scientist, professor, and entrepreneur Steve Omohundro warned that autonomous robots of the future are likely to behave in anti-social and harmful ways unless they are very carefully designed (related paper). He observed that there are two dueling forces driving the further development of AI technology: business and military interests. To that end, he expressed concern that the competitive nature of this race to develop artificial intelligence will result in technologies being created without considering the potential dangers they could pose to humanity. Since autonomous technology could develop a drive for self-preservation, Omohundro stressed the need to impose human values on AI systems in order to prevent them from harming people as a means of ensuring their own survival. Website(s): wantarevelations.com steveomohundro.com (Right-Click - Save Target As..) |
Tech Update/ Cancer Therapies Date: 08-25-14 Host: George Noory Guests: Lauren Weinstein, Ralph Moss In the first half, technology and privacy expert Lauren Weinstein shared updates. Regarding George's campaign to protect the grid from an EMP attack, he commented that a lot of the electrical grid infrastructure is old, and at or over capacity. Some of it hasn't been updated in a half-a-century or longer, "so how we're going to actually harden that against a massive over current event...is pretty tough, when we don't even have the money right now to upgrade the grid for basic security," he continued. Weinstein reported on controversies surrounding the topic of net neutrality (in which big ISPs like Comcast are paid by certain content providers such as Netflix to have faster speeds for consumers), and how the FCC has been flooded with comments about the issue. Regarding recent hacking incidents, in which user passwords and other information was stolen, there are superior technologies available now or on the horizon that help protect consumers, he noted. One of these is called two-factor authentication, which in addition to your password, you share information with a service such as your cell phone number. Then, when you log in at certain intervals, you are texted a code to use in addition to your password, he explained. Looking toward the future, Weinstein foresees higher speeds in broadband, which could bring capabilities for amazing applications that we can scarcely even imagine right now. ------------------------------------------- Ralph Moss PhD, was the science writer and assistant director of public affairs at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, and for the past 35 years has independently evaluated the claims of conventional and non-conventional cancer treatments. In the latter half, he discussed how laetrile was studied at Sloan-Kettering as a cancer treatment, and initially the research leaders were very excited about the results, and went to Washington to plead for human trials. "They were very rudely rejected in this by people at the federal level and national fundraising foundations," and these leaders went on to reverse their course in 1975, and deny that laetrile had positive effects, he recounted. Moss reported on a study in Belgium which demonstrated that women who had breast cancer and received inexpensive non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (similar to aspirin) after their surgeries had far fewer early recurrences of their cancer as opposed to the patients who got painkillers instead of NSAIDS. These results were ignored in the US, where chemotherapy treatments rake in over $100,000 per patient, he noted. The problem with cancer research isn't the lack of money but that the funds aren't going to the most productive areas or to the brightest people, he said. "And when a really good scientist comes up with something really exciting, it's deep sixed-- it's just ignored, unappreciated, or attacked from every angle," he added. As far as a treatment approach he considers viable, he cited a combination of heat therapy (hyperthermia) and immune therapy, with possibly a small amount of chemotherapy. (Right-Click - Save Target As..) |
Ebola & ISIS/ Weird American History Date: 10-02-14 Host: George Noory Guests: Craig Hulet, Robert Schneck In the first half, analyst Craig Hulet commented on current events including Ebola, ISIS, & the economy. Regarding conspiracy theories such as the US govt. patented an Ebola victim's blood as a resource, or developed Ebola as a man-made disease, Hulet didn't find any evidence to back up these assertions. He did uncover that pharmaceutical companies actually have a vaccine for Ebola fever but there wasn't enough interest in it from a "business standpoint" to treat people in Africa. The companies will likely introduce the vaccine when the disease has become a crisis in western countries because they can maximize profits at that point, he suggested. The peculiar thing about ISIS is that the group didn't really exist until they were given a name, he said. "The first phase of the ISIS bombing in Syria just happened to coincidentally take out Assad's refinery, " which fits in with the US agenda, without having to be held responsible for it, he remarked, adding that ISIS is using American weapons that were left behind by troops. Hulet believes that ISIS "is a fake terror threat used to justify bombing in Syria and Iraq...the deployment of US troops again in Kuwait, Iraq, and Syria...and to reestablish a Pentagon footprint in these regions. " ------------------------------------ In the latter half, author and researcher Robert Damon Schneck shared forgotten, weird, grotesque, and mysterious gems of American history including stories of Ouija board séances, Bigfoot, blood-swilling health fanatics, poltergeists and clowns abducting children. He recounted the bizarre case of Mrs. Wakeman-- a woman from Connecticut in the mid-19th century who claimed that her husband had killed her and that when she went to heaven God told her she was to be sent back as a prophetess. Mrs. Wakeman acquired a group of followers, and believed that the existence of the universe depended on her being alive but that the Antichrist was always trying to kill her. Schneck spoke about the case of Cloretta Starks Robertson, a young Protestant black girl who developed stigmata-like bleeding when she was in the 5th grade in 1972. He detailed the strange practices of the Samaritans, a 19th century cult that visited slaughterhouses to drink raw blood from just killed animals, as a way to strengthen themselves. Shneck also delved into Ouija board hysteria that took place in El Cerrito, CA in 1920, and a 19th century sideshow exhibitor named Dr. Dedge who screwed horns to men’s heads and presented them as wild-men. (Right-Click - Save Target As..) |
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