"Against" the proposed Special Election:
Scottsdale Unified School District #48
Special Bond Election and Additional Assistance Override
to be voted on November 9th, 2016.
Ask not what you can do for your Country: But ask, what are the School Board Bozos doing to you!!!
The SUSD Agendas speak about Values, their Mission Statement, and Aligning Projects: But never about consequences to taxpayers.
My "freedom of speech," was seriously restrained during the public SUSD input at the June, 2016 meeting. Also, I am impaired here with a strict 200 word limit.
Here is my WebSite outling the truth: www.researchsociety.org/teske.html
Some topics covered:
- SUSD is a defacto legislative dictatorship, subject to NO one-except "the powers that be."
- Lies!!! Nothing but cheap political vaporized compost coming from SUSD.
- Schools are substantially below capacity-but what? more construction?
- Costs can be significantly lowered.
- Planned obsolesce of buildings--- lasting less than only 40 years.
- Bloated budget-but we must live within ours.
- Former AZ State Legislator proved there is no correlation dumping more money to improve quality of education.
- Who are the secret financial beneficiaries of bond issues and overrides?
- Corruption is always inherent when piles of money is ripe for plundering.
- Follow the money Stupid!!! A demand is made for a thorough forensic Audit/Investigation of the SUSD.
- And *** Contact information to report hard evidence of wrongdoing.
Signed and presented without prejudice. Microsoft Word Count of exactly 200 words.
Post Office Box 1211
Scottsdale, Arizona 85252-1211